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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Heterosexual Awareness Month

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Heterosexual Awareness Month – Which takes place in July.  Heterosexual Month is more than about being straight; it’s about having a voice, something we don’t have in today’s world without being ridiculed, mocked, and called names for being natural. As a nation we warned the Government about everything associated with the Gay lifestyle that is harmful to our society, but when you have a group of people that are good at manipulation what can you do? Absolutely nothing besides believing them, and that’s what happened. Now that people are starting to see the dark side of their so called tolerance, pride, and true intentions, people want to start speaking up, and as consequences of ignoring us normal people, they are getting fired or forced to resign for speaking out against Gay Marriage. Instead of getting mad and going silent, people are starting to fight back, and it started with the Benham Brothers. They stood up for themselves, and SunTrust reversed their decision, while HGTV is still under pressure, but they brought back Phil from Duck Dynasty.

When Gay people were allowed to adopt I knew this wouldn’t take long to happen: 

One of the victims who spoke during the court hearing said sexual assault began when he was 6.  “They took turns raping me over and over,” he said. “Anyone who would do this to a child is a sick, demented person.”

Standing before an American court convicted of the most heinous of child sex crimes, the double lives of Australian citizen Mark J. Newton and his long-term boyfriend Peter Truong were laid bare.

‘‘Being a father was an honor and a privilege that amounted to the best six years of my life,’’ the American-born Newton, 42, told the court.

Moments later Newton was sentenced to 40 years in prison for sexually abusing the boy he and Truong, 36 from Queensland, had ‘‘adopted’’ after paying a Russian woman $8000 to be their surrogate in 2005.
Police believe the pair had adopted the boy ‘‘for the sole purpose of exploitation’’. 

The abuse began just days after his birth and over six years the couple traveled the world, offering him up for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse and uploading the footage to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network.

What I posted is not all when it comes down to Gays, it gets worst. The main people who are at fault for this is the American Psychiatric Association for reversing their original diagnosis that Homosexuality is a mental illness. They folded due to pressure and controversy. We’re talking about medical professionals here who completed college and studied psychiatry. It shouldn’t have made it this far, but it did and we have a lot of work to do as a nation. Speaking up is the key, and vote. 


•July 6th is Straight Pride Day – Participants are encouraged to wear Black to show support for Heterosexuality.
•July 22nd is International Day Against Heterophobia. a day set aside to bring awareness to the little known but serious issue of heterophobia - Flagship event Pancakes for Pride where supporters and advocates are asked to eat, host or attend a pancake breakfast
across the globe


Why are Gay Pride Parades So Sexual?

As a victim of Childhood Molestation my abuser tried to make me think that everything he was doing to me was ok, and even told me as time go on I’ll enjoy it.  Keep in mind I was only a child, not even a pre-teen when this guy would molesting me.


The truth is – Gays are nothing more but animals. The only equality they want is nothing more but to have sex with underage children. Yes Heterosexuals do it too, but it’s normal and more common in the Gay community. Gay Parades are not about pride, it’s about grooming young children for sex. When you see these parades they do not care having their penis out or performing sexual acts in front of children, and why? They want children to become curious and start sexually exploring at a young age. All of this “love is love” that’s bullshit; love is more than just sexual intercourse, something they can’t seem to ever comprehend. Legalizing Gay Marriage is a nightmare for America.  I cringe when I think about how many children are probably being molested. The sad part to that, who are they going to tell? They are probably being told how it’s legal and using Gay Marriage as proof, quoting love is love, and the judge allowed it. Gay Marriage goes beyond religion, it’s dirty and it’s sickening. Same for the women, adopting little boys just to turn them into little girls, claim that’s what the little boy wanted. Gays are good manipulators, but bad liars. 

Not only is Gay Marriage the biggest joke played on America, it’s a curse. There is no such thing as coming out the closet, and no such thing as being born that way. Doctor’s stop feeding your patients bullshit, and treat them right. Stop doing it for the money and get your patients Psychiatric help. No man has any business sucking a man penis or eating out of his ass. No woman has any business licking a woman vagina or eating out of her ass.  A man can never be a woman no matter how much he alters himself, and a woman can never be a man no matter how hard she alters herself. If you’re a victim of rape or childhood molestation, don’t give up hope. Seek help, do it now. If you’re gay, it’s never too late to turn back to a normal and healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Glimpse Into The Continious Harassment By Gays.

What you see above is what you get from Homosexuals, who are known to be mentally ill.  They are attacking from left and right, and this is another example of how they roll.  The person they’re attacking now is someone who opposes Gay Marriage like a majority of us, and instead of respecting the simple fact that everyone has an opinion, they can’t handle it as usual and the attack begins. The Gay community don’t even care if the allegation’s they bring up against you are not true, if it makes them feel good knowing that they are potentially hurting you, then that is all that matters to them. The Gay community wants you to feel the pain that they feel, especially when you don’t agree with them.

The sad part of it all is despite us Heterosexuals opposing Gay Marriage; we normally stick to our own pages and post our own content – that goes for me at least.  So when I see stuff like this it upsets me, especially when it’s done to someone younger than me. So if you believe that you are a victim of Cyberbullying I am going to post a link below of steps you need to follow. Follow each step all the way up to contacting Law Enforcement if it’s necessary.  You’re not alone, and I hope the media eventually talk about this issue.  You do not illegally attack someone just because you’re not happy with yourself  or since someone disagree with your lifestyle. 


Whatever you do, please follow these steps below to ensure if or when time comes if you ever had to file charges, you have everything right on your end. Evidence is the key, and it doesn't matter if the person is Anonymous.

TIP – The last thing you want to do is reply to the person who’s bullying you.

•  Screenshot! Taking screenshots is a very important thing. If you’re being harassed, grab a folder and print out all of your screenshots if you can. If you can’t, save them anyway since they can always be e-mailed to the appropriate person.  To take screenshot simply go to the page where the content you want to screenshot is at, and above the number keys on your computer keyboard, to the right you should see a key that says “PrtSc SysRq”  press that, and open up paint to paste it in there. You can do that by right clicking with your mouse and selecting “paste" contact us for more help.
•  Report everything, but don’t forget to save everything first.
•  Ignore, responding viciously will only hurt your case if you ever needed to open one.
•  Take an easy. From personal experience I know Cyberbullying can take a big emotional toll on you, and the best thing you can do is ignore it. Shut down well known accounts, and create new ones, and don’t be afraid to tweak your name. Let your friends and family know what is going on, and make sure you tighten your security on any social network profile, including photo’s.

 Friendly Legal Advice to Rebecca, whoever these people are, ignore them. If they were to ever contact your work place or where you attend school, contact Law Enforcement and open a case. Tell your Dean exactly what is going on if you had to indeed open a case.  Stay away from their personal profiles or any pages they own. Do not reply, but screenshot everything that relates to you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How to deal with Gays.

Dealing with Gays is never easy. I have had bad experiences when it came down to Gays, and the sad part is – I was minding my own business. Not saying anything hateful, but showing my love for Traditional Marriage, which is something they truly hate because their mental illness won’t allow them to live a normal and healthy life like us, so they’re angry. Not only do they hate themselves, but they struggle with personal problems that they can’t control so they need someone to take it out on, and that’s us Heterosexuals.


It’s important that everyone know that it’s illegal to verbally attack someone publicly with Defamation or Libel. The meaning of both of those things pretty much mean when someone either post something in writing online or verbally say things about you that’s not true that could damage your reputation. Lately I have notice that Gays are stealing people personal photo’s off  their Facebook pages and writing horrible things when it comes down to captioning the photo.  My best advice to you is to make sure your profile is private, as well as your albums. Wherever they use your image at, report it to the website owner.

Gays are also known to send rude messages via inbox to people, and the best thing to do is not to respond. Report it, and move on. They want you to fall into their misery, don’t do it.  All serious threats should be reported, they have a history of threats and I know from experience.  Block them too, even if they block you first you can still go in your settings and block someone, they also have a habit of running their mouth and blocking you before you can respond. Contact us to learn how.

Ignore them when they go on a hating rampage. I have learned the hard way responding to them when they fire off at the mouth. Each time you reply they normally report each comment as they draft you further. 

Most of all say a prayer for them. Gays are lost souls who never had any real guidance. They were never taught self-respect because if they were, then they wouldn’t call themselves a female when they are males, or females wouldn’t think of themselves as men. No real man would lick another man butt-hole, and no real female would lick another female vagina, nor would gays get sexually turned on by children.

So when it comes down to dealing with Gays remember that they are the ones with the real problems. They will bait you saying you’re not a real Christian just because you disagree with their lifestyle, but just know that what they say don’t matter since they are a bunch of confused people who should’ve got help. Let them keep thinking they’re fabulous, not only do we know otherwise, so do God.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Uncensored Truth About Gays.

When it comes down to Gays and their so called Advocates, I am not going to be the first or the last person to tell you that it’s not about equality, it’s all about sex and children. This is the consequences we have to deal with as a nation because of the American Psychiatric Association changing their minds about Homosexuality being a Mental Illness due to controversy, in so many words bullying, like we’re seeing today; people getting fired for supporting Traditional Marriage.

Nobody in today’s gay community have the guts to admit that they are either victims of rape, childhood molestation, or other forms of abuse. The ones who don’t seek help normally ends up being the abuser themselves.  Many advocates will down play what I just said, but the truth is the truth. You do not need to be a licensed medical professional to know this. Many medical professionals will say or do anything now days just like our politicians if it means it will save their jobs.  All of this Gender Identity Disorder stuff is a bunch of crap. These are children or people who been abused and no longer want to be a male or female believing if they become the opposite sex that that they can no longer be harmed. It’s a way to escape mentally, and these medical professionals who give children these drugs to help them transform to being the opposite sex should be ashamed of themselves.

The Gay lifestyle is chosen by choice. When gay people say it’s not, don’t feed into the lies that they have been taught to believe ever since the American Psychiatric Association couldn’t go forward with their diagnosis, and now we’re paying for it.


Gay people want a free pass to children no matter how old they are. I have heard on several occasions from gays that children should be able to consent to sex no matter how old they are, meaning if a 5-year-old say ok to sex with a 40-year-old then that should be acceptable. No different than what took place with an 18-year-old Florida woman who thought it was ok to have sex with a 14-year-old because they attended the same school, nevermind the older lady have already graduated, but was preparing to graduate around the time this happened, while the victim is currently only in 10th Grade.  So Yes it’s about love and sex with children, and promoting it.


•    Have frequent talks with your child. Remember that Homosexuality is taught by a predator. If you suspect your child is being molested you should contact the authorities right away, you can never be too sure about sexual abuse since many children are often scared to speak up. Always trust your gut feeling. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
•    Educate your children about his/her body, and the difference between a good touch and bad touch when it comes down to strangers, close friends, and even family.
•    Compliment your children, and tell them you love them daily.
•    Teach your children how important it is to love themselves, and how they were born perfect the way they are. This is very important.

If unfortunately your child does fall victim to sexual abuse, seek professional help and remain very supportive. Encourage your child to talk about it rather than bottle it up. This is how most victims enter Homosexuality. They have a lot of hurt, guilt, and no support.